In Hearts & Souls & Verse


Love Live Forever

Author’s Note to the Future

I wish I could be there with you in your time. I am very sure everything would be fascinating and fantastic.
Along with that wish, I also wonder if you have ever pondered what life might be like in my time, as I have often imagined myself in my own ancestors’ pasts. 

As long as we are all human though, some things will always be the same. Since the beginning of time, we have all laughed and cried, worked, and played. Today we do these things much differently than we did one hundred years ago, and I assume it will be different still, one hundred years hence.

However, the important things will never change. Love and honor, empathy and compassion, sadness and joy, reverence, and awe. My past was full of family, a huge one, and very extended. Today, we are a much smaller group, but I now embrace a different definition of “family.” If you care, if you strive to change, to learn, to grow, if you love, then “I’m in you and you’re in me.” We are family.








Poem of the Month for March/April

Sensing Spring

I know it’s coming for sure,

that special scent, clean and pure.

The soil holds a pungent smell.

Can’t resist I know this well.

Who can forget the flowers?

Inhale and sniff their powers!

Rain and soil and air will bring

something that means I smell spring.


Raindrops landing on my tongue

taste like nectar, every one.

The early foods that we can grow

make my taste buds really flow.

Truly what I hunger for:

warmth and daylight more and more.

In varied ways we can wring

those terrific tastes of spring.


So many things we can touch.

To list them all is too much.

The rain as it hits my face.

Sunshine’s warmth when it’s in place.

Push your hands through fertile earth

and you know this season’s worth.

I love the breeze’s early sting.

It’s safe to say I feel spring.


Vibrations within my ear

tell me that the season’s near

Thunder growls and we prepare.

Raindrops splatter everywhere.

Springtime ears let us enjoy

the rustling dance trees employ.

We can’t forget birds that sing.

It’s everywhere I hear spring.


Eyes will reflect springtime’s soul

as we watch the season grow.

Diamond raindrops drip from trees.

A drenched earth is now so pleased.

Newborn green has pushed on through.

Soon flowers will blossom too!

Baby leaves to branches cling.

Now I’m sure that I see spring.


Winter’s deep and long and cold.

My senses still are untold.

It’s a while before they know

that sap has begun to flow.

But still when it’s in the air,

although the trees are still bare,

winter has had its last fling.

This I know when I smell spring!

Love Lives Forever

By JoAnne Scannell Davis

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